Day at the Capitol 10.26.2018In the Month of March, SAAC participates in Day at the Capitol. SAAC members bring developmental disability awareness to their...
Guide to Healthy Living 10.26.2018Let’s get moving with our Guide to Healthy Living (GHL). This program was shared by the self-advocates at the Eastern Los Angeles...
Families, Friends, and Community Networks and Trainings 10.26.2018SAAC opens the door of opportunity for its members by networking with family, friends, businesses and community agencies. They attend...
Committees, Advisory Groups, and Boards 10.26.2018“Nothing About Us, Without Us” rings true for SAAC members. They participate in committees such as No Wrong Door; My Choice, My Way—the...
Community Engagement 10.26.2018SAAC focuses on access and opportunities for its members. Events through the year offer a wide variety of activities that support members...